Visions of Brahma

The Ancient Sage Having Visions of Brahma
Edited Sept. 29, 2017.
by  @Gordon Coombes .

The Ancient Sage tells of visions
of becoming Brahma
each moment a thousand years
each breath taken
breathing in light and clouds
breathing in sky sun moon and stars
breathing in swirling spiraling Galaxies-

our eyes devouring ancient forests
pyramids deserts cities
miles and miles of open road
swallowing form and chaos
becoming Alpha and Omega
becoming all things
feeding upon lakes streams rivers
oceans mountains valleys-

feeding upon history
feeding on Time
Past Present and Future
in each moment-

Brahma breathes
whole worlds come in and out
of existence
Brahma blinks his eyes
an eon a thousand years pass
Brahma blinks his eyes
a single moment passes-

sitting beneath the Bodhi tree
sitting upon the ground
sitting upon a red and gold cushion
becoming Buddha
becoming Brahma
sliding through Time
wieving moments together
becoming Vishnu-

Dreaming Walking up mountain paths
in the Himalayas carrying
my own bowl for begging feasting on rice
going from Temple to Temple
searching for my lost teacher
from my first incarnation
a hundred incarnations later
the landscape still the same
when Milarepa and the ancient sage
wandered this land-

He showed me in a vision
going from Nepal to Tibet
having walked the length of the Ganges
water flowing always the same
always different-

Sitting beneath a hundred Bodhi trees
and the sacred one
roots sunk into the earth
each telling a different tale
each telling the same tale
meditating at the source
having visions so clear
revealing it all
the images fading
drifting into the ether-

the Buddha or an angel
passing invisible in waves
through the high grass
sitting watching this
reaching down with one hand
touching the ground feeling a surge
of energy behind all of this
of the engines humming gently
roaring at the centre of the universe
sparks shooting out into space  -

Brahma dreaming creating imagined worlds
of the known and the unknowable
watching Shiva the destroyer
dancing towards us
swallowing a thousand galaxies
returning forever returning
til Brahma sleeping dreams once more-

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